Is It Really That Bad Working For Amazon? Here's What To Expect If You Land A Job There

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What is it like working at Amazon? πŸ€”

We've all heard the horror stories ☠️

But is it really that bad?

Here are 10 things I wish someone had shared with me before my time thereπŸ‘‡πŸ»

1. Workload-wise, it IS intense. But it's manageable if you set boundaries for yourself.

2. You will 100% become a better employee. There are mechanisms in place that guarantee it.

3. "Amazon is where A players come to feel bad about themselves." This is a quote I heard multiple times, from multiple leaders at the company.

4. It might be harder to make friends at Amazon than other places you’ve worked. There is so much emphasis on efficiency, and in my experience most people seemed caught off guard when asked personal questions like “Got any fun weekend plans?”

5. You’ll spend a LOT of time writing.

6. The documents you write will likely get absolutely destroyed with feedback. Every time.

7. You’ll be expected to figure things out yourself from the start. This can be challenging in a fully-remote setting.

8. You’ll be surrounded by the smartest, most accountable coworkers. Everyone at Amazon is smart. Everyone deeply cares about their work.

9. Your experience will be highly dependent on your manager. Make sure you get a feel for them during the interview process.

10. There is always a ton of really innovative stuff happening, which makes it easy to move around and get experience in your dream area (i.e. retail, fashion, sports, advertising, B2B, etc.).

So, do I recommend working at Amazon?

Overall, yes.

Just make sure you know what you're signing up for πŸ“




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